Tag Archives: Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd.

Airships Are Back. And This Time They Use Graphene

Source: Techradar – techradar.com By Jamie Carter Helium-filled Zeppelins will stay airborne 24/7

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The world’s largest – and British-built – aircraft set to dominate the skies at Farnborough

Source: The Telegraph – telegraph.co.uk By Alan Tovey One of the world’s largest – and British-made – aircraft could be dominating the skies over Hampshire in July with the giant Airlander airship taking part in the Farnborough airshow.

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New Airships to Get Second Wind in Dubai

Source: Airways News – airwaysnews.com By: Alan Dron Dubai, already a huge aviation hub that is forecast to draw an astonishing 37.5% of its entire GDP from aviation-related activities by 2020, is on the verge of adding another string to … Continue reading

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Airlander Cleared for Take-Off

Source: Hybrid Air Vehicles We are delighted to announce that we have now received the 2 key documents needed for First Flight from our regulators.  

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Royal Naming Ceremony of Airlander ─ǁ─ Crowdfunding Over-subscribed

Source: Hybrid Air Vehicles – hybridairvehicles.com Royal Naming Ceremony of Airlander

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