Tag Archives: Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd.

Zeppelins Seen Hauling Caterpillars to Mine Siberia

Source: Bloomberg.com Robin Young of Amur Minerals Corp. wants to dig for nickel and copper in Siberia where forbidding winters and poor roads make it tough to haul in equipment. His best option: fly it in with zeppelins.

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Hybrid Air Vehicles Attempts to Revive Lighter-than-air Aircraft

Source: AINonline.com This could be the shape of things to come–moving cargo into remote locations on a large, lighter-than-air (LTA) craft.

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Army Lets Air Out of Battlefield Spyship Project

Source: Los Angeles Times By W.J. Hennigan After spending $297 million to develop a craft that could hover over an area as long as three weeks, the Pentagon quietly sold it for $301,000 to its maker.

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