Category Archives: Airships

The Forgotten Sport of Balloon Jumping

Source: Air and Space Magazine – By Edward Brooke-Hitching For some reason this bizarre pastime never really took off.

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Your Summer Guide to Spotting Blimps

Source: Atlas Obscura – by Cara Giaimo There are only six true blimps left in the U.S.

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Grey Goose Boards a Dirigible in One of the Year’s Most Fantastical Spots

Source: AdWeek – By Angela Natividad Not a magic carpet ride, but pretty close Movie night with friends reaches epic heights in Grey Goose’s latest chapter of the “Fly Beyond” campaign from BBDO.

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The world’s largest – and British-built – aircraft set to dominate the skies at Farnborough

Source: The Telegraph – By Alan Tovey One of the world’s largest – and British-made – aircraft could be dominating the skies over Hampshire in July with the giant Airlander airship taking part in the Farnborough airshow.

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It’s Not a Blimp, It’s a Research Aerostat

Source: Research group airs aerostat over Portsmouth [NH] airport. Those wondering what the blimp is that has been hovering over Portsmouth International Airport now have the answer.

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