Category Archives: Hybrid Airships

UK Government Supports Airship Development

Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology By Graham Warwick Without the boost of military funding, large airship builders look for commercial backing

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Incredible Technology: Inflatable Aircraft Could Cruise Venus Skies

Source: A big robotic airship could ply the skies of Venus for up to a year, giving scientists an unprecedented look at Earth’s hellishly hot “sister planet,” the craft’s developers say.

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Aeroscraft Cargo Airship Featured In New TV Series

Source: Aeroscraft Corporation (Aeros) is pleased to announce that the Aeroscraft will be featured in the series premiere for “Rise of the Machines” Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 10:00-11:00 PM/ET. (check local listings)

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World’s longest aircraft is unveiled in UK

Source: By Richard Westcott The world’s longest aircraft has just been unveiled in Britain’s biggest aircraft hangar.

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An Airship Has Landed at Cardington Shed 1

Source: Bedford Times & Citizen – Famous for airships, the Cardington sheds are once again home to a cutting-edge lighter-than-air vehicle which, one day, could take tourists for joyrides.

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