Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

New breakthrough in condenser technology can help in generation of more power and flying airships

Source: Pentagon Post By Nate Sterling Engineers at the MIT have developed a technology which can increase the efficiency of a kit which finds extensive use in many technologies.

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Cloud Lab Floats across Texas

Source: Houston Chronicle On Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013, Cloud Lab, the world’s largest airship, stopped at Scholes International Airport in Galveston as it is flying coast-to-coast across the U.S. on a month-long expedition for the BBC Two series.

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Zero2Infinity, a New Way for Space Tourism

Source: Space Safety Magazine By Matteo Emanuelli During the annual Space Generation Congress held in Beijing from the 19th to 21st of September by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Space Safety Magazine met Lluc Palerm, a young engineer and … Continue reading

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Cold Weather Will Make Blimps a No-Show at the MetLife Super Bowl in February

Source: By Ted Sherman/The Star-Ledger They rule the skies over every major sporting event.

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High River hosts Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships

Source: Canada’s top balloonists will be floating over southern Alberta this week for the 2013 Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championships.

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