Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Goodyear Blimp NT Takes Shape

Source: Aerospace Manufacturing and Design – By: Eric Brothers, Senior Editor The next generation of the tire company’s iconic airship has historic roots.

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Can airships revolutionize transportation in world’s harshest environments?

Source: By Jenny Soffel, for CNN Aeros and Icelandair Cargo are to team up to develop new air freight service across the Arctic Aeros’ new cargo airship, the Aeroscraft, requires no runway and can access remote terrains The two … Continue reading

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U.S. National Hot Air Balloon Championship Staying in Longview TX for Additional Year

Source: Longview, Texas Longview will be home to the Balloon Federation of America’s U.S. National Championship for a fourth year, officials with the Great Texas Balloon Race announced Monday.

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European Parliament leaders host Aeros executives

Source: Windpower Engineering & Development The President and CEO of Aeros Igor Pasternak, and Director of Strategic Finance, William C. Feeley, were invited to the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium to discuss the economic and environmental benefits of the Aeroscraft … Continue reading

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Zeppelins Seen Hauling Caterpillars to Mine Siberia

Source: Robin Young of Amur Minerals Corp. wants to dig for nickel and copper in Siberia where forbidding winters and poor roads make it tough to haul in equipment. His best option: fly it in with zeppelins.

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