Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

WWI airship R34 arrived too late to see action

Source: By: Stef Lach She was the majestic airship built in Renfrewshire to aid the First World War effort – but this lady arrived a little too late to the party.

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Incredible Technology: Inflatable Aircraft Could Cruise Venus Skies

Source: A big robotic airship could ply the skies of Venus for up to a year, giving scientists an unprecedented look at Earth’s hellishly hot “sister planet,” the craft’s developers say.

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How Airships Are Set To Revolutionize Science

Source: MIT Technology Review – Airships can patrol the upper atmosphere, monitoring the ground or peering at the stars for a fraction of a cost of satellites, according to a new report. All that’s needed is a prize to … Continue reading

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Aeroscraft Cargo Airship Featured In New TV Series

Source: Aeroscraft Corporation (Aeros) is pleased to announce that the Aeroscraft will be featured in the series premiere for “Rise of the Machines” Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 10:00-11:00 PM/ET. (check local listings)

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Oscars 2014: ‘Helium’ wins live-action short

Source: Los Angeles Times – By Christy Khoshaba Helium, the story of a terminally ill boy who is bored with the idea of heaven until he meets a janitor who concocts an alternative blimp-laden version of the afterlife, won … Continue reading

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