Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Wind Industry’s New Technologies Are Helping It Compete on Price

Source: The New York Times – By Diane Cardwell The wind industry has gone to great lengths over the years to snap up the best properties for its farms, often looking to remote swaths of prairie or distant mountain … Continue reading

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StratoBus – Halfway Between a Drone and a Satellite

Source: Thales – The StratoBus project may immediately call to mind Google’s Project Loon. But the advantage of StratoBus is that it offers long endurance and complete autonomy from a fixed position, while the high-altitude balloons in Loon move … Continue reading

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March 1936: First flight of the Hindenburg

Source: The Engineer – By Stuart Nathan The maiden test flights of the Zeppelin Hindenburg gave no hint of the disaster to come

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The new Gooyear Blimp makes its maiden flight.

This morning, March 17, 2014, a few minutes before 10:00 AM (EDT), the new Goodyear Blimp took to the air for the first time.

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More Details on Goodyear’s New Blimp

View photos taken at the new Goodyear Blimp’s unveiling and read articles related to the new airship.

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