Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Two Goodyear airships now in Akron area; California blimp to be retired in August

Source: Akron Beacon Journal – By Jim Mackinnon Keep your eyes peeled on the Akron-area skies in the upcoming weeks: You should spy two Goodyear airships flying around. Meanwhile, Goodyear’s California-based blimp will be retiring later this summer.

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Google’s Project Loon Improves Balloon Launching and Interaction

Google’s Project Loon Gets ‘Autolauncher’, Mesh Networking Source: By David Murphy Google’s Internet-delivering stratospheric balloons now need far fewer ground stations for their connections.

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See the World from 100,000 Feet

Source: Air & Space Magazine – By Mark Betancourt Companies on both sides of the Atlantic are building capsules to carry you into the stratosphere.

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I’m Building Airships to Fly over the Amazon

Source: New Scientist – By Adrian Barnett The rainforests of Brazil offer huge transport challenges, so Marcelo Felippes is developing a retro, greener approach.

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Hybrid Hopes: An Inside Look At the Airlander 10 Airship

Source: Aviation Week – By Guy Norris Aviation Week tours hybrid airship as preparations for return to flight step into high gear.

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