Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Hybrid Airships Still Await Launch Customers

Source: Aviation International News – By Chris Pocock The biggest disappointment of this Farnborough show must surely be the non-appearance of the Airlander 10.

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Airlander 10 to Make Its Maiden Flight This Summer

Source: Daily Mail – [extract] By Richard Gray The world’s largest aircraft is finally due to prove its place in the future of air travel when it leaves its hangar for the first time later this month ahead of … Continue reading

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Titanic NASA Balloon Reaches Milestone

Source: Science Magazine – By Patrick Monahan The latest and largest pressurized balloon to be launched by NASA has set a record for endurance: the longest mid-latitude flight by a large scientific balloon.

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Airships Are Back. And This Time They Use Graphene

Source: Techradar – By Jamie Carter Helium-filled Zeppelins will stay airborne 24/7

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Huge helium discovery ‘a life-saving find’

Source: Oxford University – A new approach to gas exploration has discovered a huge helium gas field, which could address the increasingly critical shortage of this vital yet rare element.

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