Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Four killed as tourist balloon crash-lands in Slovenia

Source: Four people were killed and 28 injured when a hot-air balloon carrying tourists, including children, caught fire and came down near the Slovenian capital Ljubljana on Thursday, the police said.

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The Ghost Blimp remembered after 70 years

Seventy years ago, on August 16, 1942 the US Navy L-8 blimp, also known as the Ghost Blimp, crashed in Daly City CA. On Saturday, August 18, 2012, The Lighter-Than-Air Society made a presentation about the incident during The MAPS … Continue reading

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Blimps Used in Afghanistan Tested to Monitor Aliens, Drug Runners From Mexico

Source: By Dion Nissenbaum The U.S. military is joining with border-patrol officials in a new initiative that could bring dozens of surveillance blimps from the battlefields of Afghanistan to America’s border with Mexico.

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2nd Cargo Airships for Northern Operations Workshop – August 22 – 24, 2012

Source: 2nd Cargo Airships for Northern Operations Workshop By University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska University Transportation Center

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New pictures and video of the Army’s LEMV – Updated

  Source : Aviation Week Posted by Sean Meade Graham Warwick sends in these photos of LEMV’s first flight..

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