Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Discovery’s Curiosity to Investigate the Cause of the Hindenburg Disaster

Source: Author: Kelly West Among the more memorable disasters in human history is the Hindenburg fire and crash, which took place in 1937. The fact that the airship disaster, which took the lives of 35 passengers on board was … Continue reading

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Washington’s Blimp Snowstorm of Dec. 4-5, 1921

Source: By Kevin Ambrose Has anyone heard of Washington’s Blimp Snowstorm of 1921? I never knew about the event until I stumbled upon it while researching snowstorms of the 1921-22 winter season – same season as the Knickerbocker Snowstorm.

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Partnership aiming for airship development

Source: By Martin Cash Barry Prentice has been telling everyone who will listen for more than 10 years that there is a future for lighter-than-air airships, especially for heavy cargo transportation and especially in Canada’s North.

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Can you help with information about the USS Macon?

A professional author, writing a non-fiction book about the USS Macon (ZRS-5), seeks first person (eyewitness) accounts of life aboard the airship. Letters or personal diaries from officers, crew, ground handling personnel etc. would be especially helpful. If you have, … Continue reading

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Airship Ventures Ceases Operations

Source: Airship Ventures Lacking Sponsorship, World’s Largest Passenger Airship Grounded as of Today MOFFETT FIELD, Calif., November 14, 2012 – Airship Ventures, operators of the world’s largest passenger airship, the Zeppelin Eureka, have announced today that despite history-making successes and … Continue reading

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