Author Archives: LighterThanAirSociety

Akron Balloonist is Trying to Keep Gas-filled Balloons from Disappearing

Source: Akron Beacon Journal By: Bob Downing – Beacon Journal staff writer Firefighter Emich works to revive dying sport, creates Aero Club of America to support cause

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The Story of a Dirigible that Flew over Gibara, Cuba

Source: By: Yudiannis González Cuadrado The Cuban city of Gibara has many amazing stories to tell, one of them talks about the day a dirigible flew over the city. The event is documented by a photo taken the day … Continue reading

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Hope for Both Tustin Blimp Hangars

Source: Orange County Register By Eysse James The two massive blimp hangars on the former Tustin Marine base might have a chance under City Manager Jeff Parker.

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Here Comes the New Blimp in a Box

Source:  By Neal Ungerleider A new unmanned surveillance device tethers a blimp-shaped balloon to a flatbed truck or military vehicle for up to two days. Yes, it comes in a box.

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Goodyear Zeppelins are taking shape

Source: Zeppelin Brief The largest project that the Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik has ever undertaken in its history is now taking shape.

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